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Medical Mutual

Coverage period: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024

Services PPO Plan
CleCare HMO Plan
In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network
Deductible (Individual/Family) $1,000 / $2,000 $2,000 / $4,000 $1,000 / $2,000 N/A
Co-Insurance (Individual/Family) $3,500 / $7,000 $7,000 / $14,000 $2,500 / $5,000 N/A
Out of Pocket Max (Individual/Family)
Includes deductibles,  copays & coinsurance
$6,600 / $13,200 Unlimited $6,600 / $13,200 N/A
Primary Care Physician Office Visit $25 copay 40% coinsurance $25 copay Not Covered
Specialist Office Visit $50 copay 40% coinsurance $50 copay Not Covered
Independent Lab / X-Ray 100% (at Physician) 40% coinsurance 60% after deductible 100% Not Covered
Inpatient Hospitalization 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance Not Covered
Outpatient Services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance Not Covered
Preventative Care 100% 40% coinsurance 100% Not Covered
Emergency ER Use $250 copay, (copay is waived if admitted) $250 copay, (copay is waived if admitted) $250 copay (copay is waived if admitted) $250 copay (copay is waived if admitted)
Urgent Care $60 copay 40% coinsurance $60 copay, then 100%
MetroExpress Locations Only
Not Covered
Prescription Drugs Retail (30 Days) 
  Administered by CVS MetroHealth Pharmacies MMO Pharmacies
Generic $8 N/A $8* $16**
Preferred $30 N/A $30* $60**
Non-Preferred $50 N/A $50* $100**
Specialty 50% up to $150 Maximum N/A 50% up to $150 Maximum* N/A
Mail Order (90 Days)
Generic $16 N/A $16* N/A
Preferred $60 N/A $60* N/A
Non-Preferred $100 N/A $100* N/A

Under the PPO plan, you will be required to fill 90 day supplies of maintenance medications through mail order or a CVS retail pharmacy. For more information on the Pharmacy Plan click here.

*MetroHealth Pharmacy Only
** All Other Pharmacies

Monthly Employee Contributions

  PPO CleCare HMO
Employee $86.25 $64.69
Family $276.45 $207.34

Paycom will show separate medical and prescription rates for CleCare.